I'm using LM15 (== Ubuntu 13.04 Raring) with the Launchpad repos for Qgis Unstable 2.0.1 and Mapnik 2.2.0.

Quantum wants libgdal1h; Mapnik wants libgdal1. As soon as I install one, the other gets uninstalled. Is it possible to install them both together?

I'm willing to try compiling from scratch if that's the only way to get things working.

  • 1
    I'll see if I can add mapnik to the unstable repo tonight.
    – johanvdw
    Commented Dec 12, 2013 at 10:45

3 Answers 3


My advise is: first install QGIS and GDAL 1.10 from Ubuntugis packages, then follow the Mapnik build instructions. Mapnik compile time is much shorter than QGIS one, and I followed this route without any issues.


Where are you installing QGIS and mapnik from?

I'm on 12.04 and have qgis 2.01 installed and mapnik 2.2.

I don't recall which one I installed first, but I have qgis installed from the ubuntu-gis unstable PPA and mapnik from the mapnik PPA.

  • From the same PPA's. I've tried mapnik 2.2 and 2.3-nightly. Commented Dec 12, 2013 at 23:41

ubuntugis, you're on the naughty list this Christmas because you don't play nicely with the other kids. The conflict between libgdal1 and libgdal1h also prevented me installing postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 from the pgdg repo's.

Workaround, I'm not using the ubuntugis-unstable repo for the time being. I'm using the 'official' qgis repository instead.

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