I'm right now working with navteq data and building 'the XML-File' to generate the tiles!
I started with an all original osm.xml, and set all the status' to "off". First I checked the dataset in my database with SRID(the_geom) and got a return "SRID:4326". So I set up the layer to SRID4326 instead of SRID900913.
<Layer name="myLayer" status="on" srs="+init=epsg:4326">
My pgSQL query was written according to the OSM query:
(select the_geom, 'true' as "water", polygon_nm as "name"
from waterseg ) as myLayer
The next step was to setup the stylesheet. I did that - set the max and min zoom level to the maxima. So the zoomlevels should influence the rendering.
But it's not working. I can't see a single stroke on the image. I just get an empty picture. I tried to look through the file and see if there is any problem with a potential z-level - don't think so. Next was to check the bounds - no matter if I set bounds as 900913 or 4326 the image is still the same.
I assume strongly, that I have somewhere a problem with the projections. Can anyone help me? Has anyone ever tried to render a full map from scratch, without the predefined stylesheet!