I would like to use the ImageMosaic plugin to set up a Geoserver layer which refers to a WorldImage, just like in the official tutorial.
As a simple test case, I put a custom folder into my Geoserver data directory with one World Image (image + WorldFile + projection). When I specify the folder location to a ImageMosaic Store in Geoserver, it simply displays the error message:
Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: Argument "value" should not be null.
On the other hand, when I put my image into a default folder that comes with the openGeo suite (like file:data/dem/
with the Medform Digital Elevation Data), the thing works as it should.
So I suspect there is something going wrong with user rights, can anybody enlighten me?
PS: My Geoserver error log
INFO [geoserver.web] - Getting list of coverages for saved store file:mosaic
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: Argument "value" should not be null.
at org.geoserver.web.data.layer.NewLayerPageProvider.getItemsInternal(NewLayerPageProvider.java:123)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument "value" should not be null.
at org.geotools.util.SoftValueHashMap.ensureNotNull(SoftValueHashMap.java:140)