I am writing a plugin to import some files into qgis. The files initially have coordinates in lat lon, but I want to reproject them to a local projection during the import.
So, I can set the CRS on the layer I am importing in and and I know that my imported points are in WGS 84, so what I want to do is similiar to what I would have done in postgis with
ST_Tranform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(15, 60),4326),32633);
to import the point into a layer WGS84 UTM zone33N
But in qgis, how can I make a PointXY() with a CRS and then reproject it to another CRS?
(I know I can read everything into a layer with CRS 4326 and then reproject the entire layer into a new layer, but I would prefer to do it without having to make an extra layer)