I am trying to port over a large amount of code for drawing lines, bitmaps (with transparency), and text onto our map display. Originally it was done using Dynamic Display and IDynamicMap but that is no longer possible.

Could anyone tell me the right way to go about this without leveraging dynamic layers?

The methods I have tried (GraphicTracker) have not been successful and I am new to the ArcGIS Engine API.

  • Does each line, bitmap and text have the same transparency, or will it be different? Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 21:00
  • Why is it not possible? Graphic trackers can't handle motion. The Docs say to use DynamicDisplay. This guy got around it but I couldn't figure out how to replicate his work. Sorry this is more of a comment but the comment system doesn't really handle links.
    – patrick
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 21:08
  • Sorry, I should have been more clear, what I need is alpha-blended bitmaps.
    – tbridge
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 21:15
  • Graphic Trackers can handle motion. I have a sample with an animated graphic tracker. But it lacks support for alpha blended bitmaps.
    – tbridge
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 21:16
  • 2
    I'd do it with a custom layer. In your draw method, the IDisplay's hDC can be used with GDI+, google returns a lot of GDI tutorials. I think the layer needs to be in its own display cache. Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 21:47

1 Answer 1


Try doing this with a custom layer.

In your draw method, the IDisplay's hDC can be used with GDI+. Google returns a lot of GDI tutorials. I think the layer needs to be in its own display cache, which can be achieved by returning true for ILayer.Cached.

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