I have a PostgreSQL database with one table like the following:
gid serial NOT NULL,
zip character varying(5),
zip_n integer,
city character varying(50),
geom geometry(MultiPolygon),
CONSTRAINT post_pl_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid)
In this table there are stored polygons as geometry.
I want to get all polygons from that table within a bounding box. I use an htaccess file to route all requests to one PHP file. Then I use params of the url to create a bounding box.
Example: URL: polygons.php/{z}/{x}/{y}.json
Creating bounding box(see: osm slippy tilenames):
function tileCoord2BBox($url)
$parsed = explode("/",$url);
$z = $parsed[3];
$x = $parsed[4];
$y = $parsed[5];
$n = pow(2, $z);
$lon1 = $x / $n * 360.0 - 180.0;
$lat1 = rad2deg(atan(sinh(pi() * (1 - 2 * $y / $n))));
$lon2 = ($x + 1) / $n * 360.0 - 180.0;
$lat2 = rad2deg(atan(sinh(pi() * (1 - 2 * ($y + 1) / $n))));
$bbox = array();
$bbox['lon1'] = $lon1;
$bbox['lat1'] = $lat1;
$bbox['lon2'] = $lon2;
$bbox['lat2'] = $lat2;
return $bbox;
I used those return value in ST_MakeEnvelope to limit the results.
What i want to know is: How should a postgres statement look like to get all polygons within those bounding box and that I can use the result as GeoJSON Tile Layer like this one: GeoJSON Tile Layer?
If possible with a JSON attribute that I can identify each polygon by "zip" on client side.
I want to have a similiar one like that one in the link above with my own geodata in Leaflet.
values for the features you wanted represented in every potential tile position {z}{x}{y}. The goal of the script would be to keep track of all the features in your dataset for every zoom level and allocate them to the {x}{y} ranges they fell into, and then DENY them from neighbor ranges if they've been previously allocated. (Plus, I think the lookup would be stupid-fast.)