Hello i am new in forum an in Postgesql,postgis and pgRouting. I try to make a pgrouting for my city roads.
I use googlemaps to make a lines with coordinates of the roads and export the results in kml file.
example <MultiGeometry><LineString><coordinates>22.950164627408352,40.592917358186945 22.950657309819846,40.592514769916995</coordinates></LineString></MultiGeometry>
but i have problem with the insert in postgresql The queries for table and make the geometry for roads.
"id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
"Name" text NOT NULL,
"Lenght (m)" numeric CHECK("Lenght (m)" > 0)
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','roads','the_geom','4326','MULTILINESTRING',2);
After i use an insert like this but i have problem with MULTILINESTRING
INSERT INTO roads VALUES(1,'Kwnn/nou Kanarh',1000,ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromKML('<MultiGeometry><LineString><coordinates>
26.683023,37.7939654,0.0 26.6839457,37.7941011,0.0 26.6857266,37.7944063,0.0 26.687851,37.7948472,0.0 26.69034,37.7955084,0.0 26.6947603,37.7972888,0.0 26.6975284,37.7980687,0.0 26.6992879,37.7984926,0.0 26.701498,37.7993573,0.0 26.7026782,37.79989990000001,0.0 26.703794,37.8000355,0.0 26.7052317,37.8002729,0.0 26.7067122,37.8006375,0.0 26.7095018,37.8014089,0.0
Update After the inserts i create topology and other step from the
http://workshop.pgrouting.org/chapters/topology.html for make a pgRouting for the insert data but when i run the pgr_dijkstra
the query is
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
SELECT id AS id,
length::double precision AS cost
FROM roads',
30, 60, false, false);
Give me this error ERROR: Target vertex was not found. I dont find the reason