I am trying my first pgrouting in a roads shapefile I load it in PostgreSQL first, the table has osm_id, gid, name, ref, type, oneway, maxspeed
Then I add columns source and target in table:
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN "source" integer;
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN "target" integer;
Then I make the topology with function:
SELECT pgr_createTopology('roads', 0.0001, 'geom', 'gid');
make indexis
CREATE INDEX roads_source_idx ON roads("source");
CREATE INDEX roads_target_idx ON roads("target");
Add cost column and count the cost with geom column use ST_LENGTH method
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN length double precision;
UPDATE roads SET length = ST_LENGTH(geom);
Add reverse cost column and count it
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN reverse_cost double precision;
UPDATE roads SET reverse_cost = length;
Finally I run the distrack query, which is running in PostgreSQL, but if I try to run this query in QGIS it is not running. This is the first problem.
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
SELECT gid AS id,
shape_leng::double precision AS cost
FROM roads',
30, 300, false, false);
Then I try to use A*
I count the x1 y1 x2 y2 but the columns is empty and I don't know why insert the columns with these queries:
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN x1 double precision;
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN y1 double precision;
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN x2 double precision;
ALTER TABLE roads ADD COLUMN y2 double precision;
Then I use these queries to field them but the columns still empty after execution:
UPDATE roads SET x1 = ST_x(ST_startpoint(geom));
UPDATE roads SET y1 = ST_y(ST_startpoint(geom));
UPDATE roads SET x2 = ST_x(ST_endpoint(geom));
UPDATE roads SET y2 = ST_y(ST_endpoint(geom));
I read in net same versions have problem with startpoint and endpoint and I use the PointN but I still take empty columns:
UPDATE roads SET x1 = ST_x(ST_PointN(geom, 1));
UPDATE roads SET y1 = ST_y(ST_PointN(geom, 1));
UPDATE roads SET x2 = ST_x(ST_PointN(geom, ST_NumPoints(geom)));
UPDATE roads SET y2 = ST_y(ST_PointN(geom, ST_NumPoints(geom)));
And the query for A*
SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_astar('
SELECT gid AS id,
shape_leng::double precision AS cost,
x1, y1, x2, y2
FROM roads',
30, 60, false, false);
How can I show the routing in QGIS from PostgreSQL I did it, but I still have problem with A* x1,y1 & x2,y2 after the update is still empty the columns x1 y1 x2 y2?
I try to use these queries but the x2y2 is not filling:
UPDATE roads SET x1 = ST_X(ST_StartPoint(ST_geometryN(geom,1)));
UPDATE roads SET y1 = ST_Y(ST_StartPoint(ST_geometryN(geom,1)));
UPDATE roads SET x2 = ST_X(ST_EndPoint(ST_geometryN(geom,ST_NumPoints(geom))));
UPDATE roads SET y2 = ST_Y(ST_EndPoint(ST_geometryN(geom,ST_NumPoints(geom))));
Please if anyone can help me