What I'm trying to do is traverse a known path in a given direction for a given distance.

What I have done so far is build a temp table of the path in the order I want to travel and it looks like:

edge_id source target cost geom
208346 167398 50564 148.55814507696616 ""
118186 167397 167398 18.917451445786348 ""
118185 167397 97888 5.577629837679091 ""
58802 97888 97889 87.04193787193802 ""
118187 97889 167399 95.53741276977404 ""

now I believe I should add a dir and reverse_cost columns and set value to something.

I'm assuming I can set the values of dir and reverse_cost based on the source and target columns, do I also need to change the value of cost maybe invert?

I can not figure out how to wright an update query to add the correct info into the table to then be able to run pgr_withPointsDD

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    – PolyGeo
    Commented Mar 26, 2022 at 22:52

1 Answer 1


I'm sure this is not the most efficient way but I have a working example that solves my question.

I update the tmp_network table with:

direction_tbl AS (
        LEAD(source, 1) OVER (ORDER BY path_seq) AS next_source,
        LAG(source, 1) OVER (ORDER BY path_seq) AS prev_source,
        LEAD(target, 1) OVER (ORDER BY path_seq) AS next_target,
        LAG(target, 1) OVER (ORDER BY path_seq) AS prev_target
    FROM tmp_network
UPDATE tmp_network
    SET cost =
        WHEN dir.source = dir.next_source THEN -1
        WHEN dir.source = dir.next_target THEN -1
        WHEN dir.target = dir.prev_source THEN -1
        WHEN dir.target = dir.prev_target THEN -1
        ELSE tmp_network.cost
    reverse_cost =
        WHEN dir.target = dir.next_source THEN -1
        WHEN dir.target = dir.next_target THEN -1
        WHEN dir.source = dir.prev_source THEN -1
        WHEN dir.source = dir.prev_target THEN -1
        ELSE tmp_network.reverse_cost
FROM direction_tbl AS dir
WHERE dir.path_seq = tmp_network.path_seq;

and tmp_network table now looks like: | path_seq | id | source | target | cost | reverse_cost | geom | | :------: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | 1 | 208346 | 167398 | 50564 | -1 | 148.55814507696616 | 0102000020... | | 2 | 118186 | 167397 | 167398 | -1 | 18.917451445786348 | 0102000020... | | 3 | 118185 | 167397 | 97888 | 5.577629837679091 | -1 | 0102000020... | | 4 | 58802 | 97888 | 97889 | 87.04193787193802 | -1 | 0102000020... | | 5 | 118187 | 97889 | 167399 | 95.53741276977404 | -1 | 0102000020... |


    FROM pgr_withPointsDD(
        'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM tmp_network ORDER BY id',
        'SELECT pid, vid AS edge_id, fraction FROM tmp_poi',
        directed := true) AS pg

work as expected.

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