I'm a newcomer on pgrouting, and I want to test its functionalities.
I've installed and configured my computer with Postgresql9.3, pgrouting2, and PostGIS.
I've downloaded from openstreetmap the .osm file of the zone I need (4.0706 North, 9.7321 East, 3.9972 South, 9.6737 West).
My problem is that it comes with 4 layers: points, lines, multipolygons, and multilinestrings.
I don't know which layer I must use to test the pgrouting routage function. I've taken the lines layer, inserted it on postgres, and added 2 columns (source:integer, target:integer, cost:double precision).
Now when I use
select pgr_createTopology('littoral_lines', 0.0001, 'geom', 'osm_id');
where my table is littoral_lines. I get the following errors:
NOTICE: pgr_createTopology('littoral_lines',0.0001,'geom','osm_id','source','target','true')
NOTICE: Performing checks, pelase wait .....
NOTICE: Creating Topology, Please wait...
NOTICE: l'opérateur n'existe pas : character varying = integer
NOTICE: UPDATE public.littoral_lines SET source = 1,target = 2 WHERE osm_id = 4173643
Durée totale d'exécution de la requête :1751 ms.
1 ligne récupérée.
I don't know what's wrong, if I'm using the correct table, or if I miss something. There aren't any "roads" or "ways" tables. Please, help !!!