I'm using MapProxy to seed a CouchDB with tile images on a FreeBSD server.
My workflow is Tilemill -> mbtiles export -> mapproxy seed -> CouchDB. For zoom levels 10 - 17, rendering takes ~ 2-3 days, but produces a quite small db file @ ~2mb. I attribute this to the large spaces with no data and the use of link_single_color_images: true
In an effort to speed the rendering process up, I have tried rendering with mapnik.xml as my source instead of the mbtiles produced by Tilemill. All good with a tremendous speed up, but at the cost of a database that is 20x larger due to MapProxy producing a tile for every z/x/y. Most of the thousands of tiles produced are transparent with no data.
Aka link_single_color_images: true does not seem to be working with Mapnik source, but does with mbtiles as a source.
Is there a way to use link_single_color_image with Mapnik?