The problem mostly centers around reprojection in QGIS 2.4.0 under Windows 8.1. I am trying to reproject several files (world map shp file from NaturalEarth (ne_10m_land), Coastline map (ne_10m_coastline) or csv files) from WGS 84 to World Mercator as I need units in meters for a buffer analysis (global scale).
The world map (originally WGS 84) will reproject when the layer CRS is set to the new CRS (using Set Layer CRS
) but trying to do a buffer analysis on the reprojected world map in World Mercator results in empty attribute tables. Same happens when saving the reprojected map in the new CRS (using Save as
). The buffer analysis creates a new (empty) file but does not operate at all. Tried several other projected CRSs and it is either the same, the map won't reproject at all or QGIS crashes while trying to do it.
Trying to load the CSV file in a Projected CRS layer results in the layer having the new CRS but points being displayed somewhere completely different, no reprojection to other Projected CRS nor saving in new CRS changes that.