I have a problem with importing a list of coordinates to ArcMap. I have a shape file of regions of Chile and I would like to add a list of locations with coordinates I got from Google Maps.
The shape file with the Chilean regions is coming from http://sit.conaf.cl/. I open it with ArcMap and from the property tab I get the following information: Projected Coordinate System: WGS 84 / UTM zone 19S. Projection: Transverse_Mercator. For instance, one point from the respective region is 223.205,971 5.545.419,924 Meters.
My locations from Google Maps look like -39,812159 / -73,178511.
I guess I just need to pick the right coordinate system when importing but I cannot not figure out which one that would be. Whatever system I choose, the points will not show up.
If I import this list using the Add XY data feature to a new project and select a random coordinate system, the points will show up. So I think that there is nothing wrong with the spreadsheet.