I've looked at existing questions about this (including this one) and followed the advice that was shared there. I'm still seeing this when I run some queries:
RuntimeError: Postgis Plugin: PSQL error:
ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs
Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_AsBinary("wkb_geometry") AS geom,"ogc_fid" FROM (SELECT ogc_fid,wkb_geometry,ele::integer FROM srtm3_contours_50m) AS "srtm-contour-50m" WHERE "wkb_geometry" && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(-549661.6930924922 7480280.288652307,-338719.9409595227 7801966.460655085)'::box3d, 900916)'
Here's what I did to try to set the SRID:
UPDATE srtm3_contours_50m SET wkb_geometry = ST_SetSRID(wkb_geometry, 3785);
UPDATE srtm3_contours_50m SET wkb_geometry = ST_Transform(wkb_geometry, 3785);
VACUUM ANALYZE srtm3_contours_50m;
How can this still be happening?! Is my query to blame?