If you have a Java background then python should be easy.. here's something that I put together:
import sys, os, arcpy
InRaster = sys.argv[1]
InShape = sys.argv[2]
SplitField = sys.argv[3]
OutFolder = sys.argv[4]
# simple switches based on the output, change as needed
# note that python is case sensitive (true != True) so in
# the case of booleans False is a constant as is True
# but true, TRUE or any other combination is not
do_zoning = False # do Zonal Statistics as Table
do_extract = True # do Extract by Mask to create extracted rasters
# check out spatial analyst if you're running from a DOS prompt
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":
arcpy.AddMessage( "Checking out Spatial")
arcpy.AddMessage( "Unable to get spatial analyst extension")
F = arcpy.ListFields(InShape,SplitField)
if not F:
arcpy.AddError("Field not found " + SplitField)
if not os.path.exists(OutFolder):
arcpy.AddError("Output path does not exist")
Values = list() # new empty list
# step through the features adding each unique value
# to the list such that we can then step through later
arcpy.AddMessage("Obtaining unique values")
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(InShape,[ SplitField ]) as SCur:
for SRow in SCur:
if not SRow[0] in Values:
for ThisValue in Values:
# make a feature layer based on just this value
defQ = "%s = %s" % (SplitField,ThisValue)
# set output(s)
outDBF = "%s\\ZonalStat_%s.dbf" % (OutFolder,ThisValue)
outRaster = "%s\\Extract_%s.tif" % (OutFolder,ThisValue)
if do_zoning:
arcpy.AddMessage("Zoning " + ThisValue)
if do_extract:
# extract the raster using the layer to an arcpy Raster object
py_raster = arcpy.sa.ExtractByMask(InRaster,"Layer")
py_raster.save(outRaster) # save the raster object to a raster
# clean up
arcpy.Delete_management("Layer") # just the layer, not the data, so this name can be reused
arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") # release spatial analyst extension (if running from DOS)
Have a read of Adding a Script Tool if you want to run it from catalog, otherwise you can run from DOS (cmd) window.
As it is written the code will do an extraction but not a zonal statistics, although the code is there I've turned it off with a boolean variable (do_zoning