I have a land use layer with a map of the United States overlaid on top. I'd like to determine the percentage of different land uses in each state. Would the best way be to extract by mask by using each state and then calculating within each state?

I am very much a novice GIS user so any assistance/guidance would be incredibly useful! I am using ArcGIS 10.

  • I think there are a few approaches you can take to solve this. Is this something for fun or something where accuracy is necessary? What extra information can you provide to help narrow down which direction to do in the calculation?
    – Branco
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 21:29
  • If you've got the time then use a definition query in ArcMap to restrict to one state at a time and then use zonal statistics (as table) resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//… to create a dbf summary file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel, then change the definition query and run the same again to a new output table... then you just need to do some Excel work with each state. If you need each state by itself then use Extract by Mask resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//… while each state is active. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 22:08
  • Both tools need Spatial Analyst extension, if you don't have that extension then this isn't something you can do in Esri as the tools are locked out until this extension is active. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 22:09
  • Thank you for your suggestions. I do have the Spatial Analyst extension and I need to do additional analysis with crop land data on top of this so I think establishing a consistent method that I can replicate with additional data is key for me. And accuracy is important. I will try the zonal statistics route, but any other methods are extremely helpful. Is it possible to run this using batches and attributes? I have a Java background so I am thinking about it in that sense; perhaps that is more complicated than necessary. Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 23:06
  • Would you be interested in a python solution? p.s. if you put @ then someones name (who has already commented I think) in your comment then they get notified of your comment and (may) get back faster. Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 1:11

1 Answer 1


If you have a Java background then python should be easy.. here's something that I put together:

import sys, os, arcpy

InRaster   = sys.argv[1]
InShape    = sys.argv[2]
SplitField = sys.argv[3]
OutFolder  = sys.argv[4]

# simple switches based on the output, change as needed
# note that python is case sensitive (true != True) so in
# the case of booleans False is a constant as is True
# but true, TRUE or any other combination is not
do_zoning  = False # do Zonal Statistics as Table
do_extract = True  # do Extract by Mask to create extracted rasters

# check out spatial analyst if you're running from a DOS prompt
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available":
    arcpy.AddMessage( "Checking out Spatial")
    arcpy.AddMessage( "Unable to get spatial analyst extension")

F = arcpy.ListFields(InShape,SplitField)
if not F:
    arcpy.AddError("Field not found " + SplitField)

if not os.path.exists(OutFolder):
    arcpy.AddError("Output path does not exist")

Values = list() # new empty list

# step through the features adding each unique value
# to the list such that we can then step through later
arcpy.AddMessage("Obtaining unique values")
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(InShape,[ SplitField ]) as SCur:
    for SRow in SCur:
        if not SRow[0] in Values:

for ThisValue in Values:
    # make a feature layer based on just this value
    defQ   = "%s = %s" % (SplitField,ThisValue)

    # set output(s)
    outDBF    = "%s\\ZonalStat_%s.dbf" % (OutFolder,ThisValue)
    outRaster = "%s\\Extract_%s.tif" % (OutFolder,ThisValue)

    if do_zoning:
        arcpy.AddMessage("Zoning " + ThisValue)

    if do_extract:
        # extract the raster using the layer to an arcpy Raster object
        py_raster = arcpy.sa.ExtractByMask(InRaster,"Layer")
        py_raster.save(outRaster) # save the raster object to a raster

    # clean up
    arcpy.Delete_management("Layer") # just the layer, not the data, so this name can be reused

arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") # release spatial analyst extension (if running from DOS)

Have a read of Adding a Script Tool if you want to run it from catalog, otherwise you can run from DOS (cmd) window.

As it is written the code will do an extraction but not a zonal statistics, although the code is there I've turned it off with a boolean variable (do_zoning).


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