I am new to GIS in R. I have two input rasters (an elevation DEM and a land use classified raster), and I am tasked with reprojecting, aggregating into courser resolution, and finally calculating the average land slope for each land use classification. I am having trouble finding the average slope for the land uses; this is what I need help with.
For ease assisting with this question, I have provided both of the rasters on a Google Drive for users to download. The elevation raster DEM can be downloaded here, whereas the land use classification raster can be downloaded here.
Here is what I have done so far:
#Load libraries
#Load data
cdl19 <- raster("CDL_2019_clip_20220329135051_1368678123.tif")
elev <- raster("elevation.tif")
#View information about the rasters
#Check coordinate reference systems
#Reproject each raster so that they will be in the same grid system
cor_ref = '+proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs'
cdl19_proj <- projectRaster(cdl19, crs = cor_ref, method = 'ngb') #Use 'ngb' for categorical data
elev_proj <- projectRaster(elev, crs = cor_ref, method = 'bilinear') #use 'bilinear' for continuous data
#The references should now be the same
#Resample to eliminate resolution problems
elev_resamp <- resample(elev_proj, cdl19_proj, method = 'bilinear')
#Aggregate to larger, 1km x 1km cell size
#Note: This is not exactly 1km x 1km, but projecting to a finer coordinate system would overwhelm my computer's memory capabilities.
cdl19_1k <- aggregate(cdl19_proj, fact = 33.333333333, fun = modal, na.rm=TRUE)
elev_1k <- aggregate(elev_resamp, fact = 33.333333333, fun = modal, na.rm=TRUE)
#Calculate slope of DEM
slope <- terrain(elev_1k, opt = 'slope', units = 'degrees')
#Crop and mask categorical raster to the DEM
cdl19_1k_crop <- crop(cdl19_1k, extent(slope))
mask <- mask(cdl19_1k_crop, mask = slope)
Here is where I need assistance. Calling the freq(mask)
shows that there are 17 land use values (not including NA values). The output can be seen below:
value count
[1,] 1 137
[2,] 4 9
[3,] 5 230
[4,] 24 16
[5,] 28 1
[6,] 36 7
[7,] 37 1
[8,] 61 13
[9,] 111 136
[10,] 121 7
[11,] 122 52
[12,] 123 7
[13,] 124 2
[14,] 141 351
[15,] 143 1
[16,] 176 2021
[17,] 195 22
[18,] NA 1342
How can I find the average slope of each land use value? I would presume that the solution involves combining the rasters and running a cellStats
operation, but I'm not entirely sure.