I have been trying to create a hillshade using DEM data, however, regardless of the scale and z values I use the output is all black.
I accessed the DEM data from a government source and clipped it to the area I need (shown below).
Then I open the DEM (Terrain models) dialog and select this raster layer, choose an output file and fill in values for scale and z. Based on this other thread I used the equations to calculate for my area:
s=111320*cos(latitude*pi/180) z=1/(111320*cos(latitude*pi/180))
This results in a scale of 111310 and a z of 8.98. To be clear, I've tried these numbers, I've tried just inputting the scale value and leaving z at 1, I've tried a whole host of values from threads I've come across, however, no matter the values, my result is always all black (shown below).
What am I doing incorrectly?
I am using QGIS 2.8.1 and the link to the data source I am using is: http://ftp2.cits.rncan.gc.ca/pub/geott/ess_pubs/210/210231/of_3678.zip