I am tasked with designing a GIS information dashboard (think energy consumption, capacity, or any other measurable value across a campus). I would like to get a sense for what has been done well and what has not been done well.

For an example see the San Diego Energy Dashboard. Though this information dashboard is limited as it does not display much information on the same "page" (i.e., the map).

I am looking for dashboards with a focus on displaying a lot of information on one page with the option to drill down for more detail into other pages as needed. For non-GIS examples see Information Dashboard at Patternry.com

What are some other great examples of information dashboards integrated with core GIS capabilties via the web?

1 Answer 1


There was a talk at FOSS4G titled - "Building professional geo-analytical dashboards and reports with GeoBIExt." From the summary:

It comprises:

1) GeoKettle, a spatial ETL tool targeted for geo-analytical data warehousing,

2) GeoMondrian, a Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) server which extends the open source Mondrian OLAP server with GIS data types and functions and

3) GeoBIExt (extending the formerly known SOLAPLayers project), a rich client visualization framework for SOLAP data, using GeoExt/OpenLayers as the web mapping front-end. It enables the creation of drillable and interactive geo-analytical dashboards or more static reports, which allow the analyze of data through different representations (maps, charts and cross-tabs) and levels of detail in order to take more informed and hence better decisions.

The GeoBIExt framework is composed of a server part which acts as a relay between the different data sources and the client part for interactive visualisation and exploration of geo-analytical data.

A few more details here.

I can't find any live demos, and only a slideshow from a few months ago. maybe someone who was at Denver can provide more details.

As an alternative to having a dashboard displaying as many graphs, maps, charts as possible have a look at http://www.giscloud.com/apps/starbucks/ - this allows a manager to type questions in natural English such as 'show starbucks within 2 miles from tube' to analyse information.

  • 1
    is GeoBIExt project still alive? I couldn't find any link.
    – kinkajou
    Commented Dec 30, 2013 at 8:09

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