I'm trying to figure out an efficient way of pulling data about ground cover along a specific path, where I know the starting lat/long and the end lat/long.
I've found that the USGS has ground cover data available in GeoTIFF files, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how I can get data from these files along a path easily. Before I go down the long road of learning about this format and trying to write something to efficiently get this data, is there a better way? Am I making a lot more work for myself?
I already get the topography along the path by using the Bing elevation API, but there doesn't seem to be any API out there I can find for ground cover. Specifically, I want to supplement the topography with a 'best guess' about tree coverage, etc, along the 2D path that I'm drawing with the Bing data.
I'm currently using a PHP backend and displaying the data using d3.js on the client side (this is for a web application) but I don't really care how the data is found, as long as I can do it in an automated way. So I'd prefer a command line tool or some kind of library for PHP/Python/Ruby/etc.