I'm trying to import data from my postgis DB directly into CartoDB. I've seen in this forum's post that I can do that with ogr2ogr, a GDAL tool, in this way:
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 --config CARTODB_API_KEY XXXX -f CartoDB
"CartoDB:account" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres
dbname=cartodb_dev_user port=5432" "public.table_name"
However, when I try, I get this error message:
Unable to find driver `CartoDB'.
I don't have the driver for CartoDB installed, but I'm not sure how to install it. I see there's this help site, but it doesn't mention how to install it.
My current version of GDAL is 1.10.1 and I'm working on Ubuntu 14.04 machine.