I am trying to read a whole Access database into Postgis using the ogr2ogr (Version 1.9.1) command.
For some reason however, it only reads spatial tables and no non-spatial tables. All my attempts to overcome this problem so far have failed^.
I have tried configuring options such as "-nlt None" or "SET PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES=YES"
How is it possible to read ALL tables and not only the spatial tables?
This is the command I've used:
ogr2ogr --config PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES YES -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=ele_schnottwil password=bsb port=5432" C:\ele.mdb -a_srs EPSG:21781 -overwrite -skipfailures
I know PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES is a Postgis driver command but I read this could be used for the ODBC driver, too.
Can anyone see the problem or help me out.
Thanks so much in advance.
Best regards, Arne