this is my first question here and I have done extensive searches but still can't find the (full?) answer I'm looking for. Hopefully someone can help!
I am loading a number of personal geodatabases (mdb) to PostGIS using OGR2OGR (and GDAL). I am able to get the whole database to load with no issues, but for my requirements I need to store the original filename alongside each record in each table (so that I can query/delete/filter at a later stage).
At the moment I am doing this using a simple OGR2OGR script that loads all tables in the MDB (over 250 of them)...this is about the limit of my ability right now so any solution needs to be fairly simple if possible?
My current simple script: ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=** active_schema=** user=** dbname=** password=** port=5432" *.mdb -skipfailures -append -a_srs EPSG:27700