The instructions here: are straightforward, but I'm getting the same 1000 features regardless of extent (with the 1000 feature outside the viewable map extent in QGIS). My current map extents should only return back a handful of features. Does QGIS pass in the map envelope as Input Geometry
to the ArcGIS REST Service? Or am I expected to add it?
I am using the method where you take the http://<host>/arcgis/rest/services/<service>/MapServer/<layer_id>
and add query?where=objectid+%3D+objectid&outfields=*&f=json
to it. And then adding that via Adding URL as a Vector File in QGIS
Is this expected behavior? And I need to provide additional query parameters to bring down by return features (like input geometry)?
per Mintx suggestions, I checked WireShark and definitely no additional parameters are being sent (is that by design or that a bug).
QGIS version
QGIS code revision