I haven't used python yet; I want to read multiple GeoTiff files and resample them based on another single file, and be able to write all the files in a new directory. I can use R raster package to that, but it takes a long time. Here is what I do in R and I want to be able to do the exact process in Python using ArcPy module.
setwd("path to directory")
files <- list.files(path=".", pattern="tif", all.files=FALSE, full.names=TRUE)
s <- stack(files)
resamp <- raster("new_raster.tif")
s2 <- resample(s, resamp,method='bilinear')
s3 <- unstack(s2)
for(i in seq_along(s3)){writeRaster(s3[[i]], file=outputnames[i],format="GTiff", options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=NONE"))}