I'm trying to create a model that uses as input a series of rasters created from elevation values in an original raster layer. To do this, I need some help figuring out how to generate these rasters.
I have a single raster with elevation values that I want to use the 'less than' tool on to generate a raster for each elevation value (the elevation range is from 0-140) from the original input. I can do this manually (such as typing in 'raster = Less than 15 ft'), but since my max-min range of elevation values is a fairly large number, it would be easier to find some way to do it as a batch, if it's possible, and output them to a geodatabase or folder.
As my results will end up in a model, I would like to do this in model builder if it's possible.
Is there a way to do this using something like an iterator on the 'less than' tool or even the raster calculator? The help I've been able to find so far on iterators relies on already having multiple rasters to go through.