How can I upload 10 million points with 100,000 categories and have CartoDB randomly assign a color to each cateogry?
Currently, it only seems to color the first 10. And from what I've seen on other questions the only way to color more is to edit the CSS files. I don't think this is too feasible for what I'm trying to do. Is there anything built in for this use case?
The reason I have so many categories is because these points cover all of north america and are clustered together based on their category. So for example the items can be households (one points per household) and the category would be the neighborhood the household is in. I actually don't care about having unique colors, so long as two nearby clusters don't share the same color.
I decided to just add a new random category value to determine the coloring and add my own CSS for the ~50 unique colors I chose.