I'm trying to generate ARC/INFO ASCII GRID (*.asc) from point feature class using Create TIN
- TIN to raster
- Raster to ASCII
functions. I'm looking for a way to have the output raster file header referring to center of left lower pixel instead of corner. (xllcenter/yllcenter instead of xllcorner/yllcorner).
Is there a way to get this type of header directly from ArcGIS? If not - is it correct if I just rewrite the header from corner to center and change the coordinates to coordinates of center of the left lower pixel (as shown below)?
This is the header from Raster to ASCII
ncols 1000
nrows 1000
xllcorner 1271000
yllcorner 7269000
cellsize 5.0000
This is the header I need:
ncols 1000
nrows 1000
xllcenter 1271002.500
yllcenter 7269002.500
cellsize 5.0000