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Questions tagged [3d-analyst]

An extension to ArcGIS that allows for the creation, visualization, and analysis of three-dimensional data.

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Using viewshed to determine how much of wind turbine can be seen in ArcMap

I would like to know how much I can still see of a wind turbine 10 km (point shapefile) away from my observer point (point shapefile). The viewshed analysis only tells me whether I can see the wind ...
sebbehr's user avatar
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Create 3D Cylinder in ArcGIS Pro

Is it possible to create a hollow 3D line feature in ArcGIS Pro? Something like a CAD "SOLIDEDIT" operation (I know next to nothing about CAD). I have a 3D Model of a large-diameter water ...
Keggering's user avatar
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Deriving contours from .las files

I am trying to derive different contour lines from my LiDAR data. I am running in to an interesting error though (see attached picture). Any idea on how to rectify this? Smoothing?
GJW's user avatar
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Layer 3D to Feature Class in ArcGIS Pro producing Multipatch features shorter than Extruded Polygons

I've been extruding polygons (max height extrusion) by a proposed height field, creating multipatch features using Layer 3D to feature class and then using Select By Location: Intersect 3D to find ...
Kurt Cederholm's user avatar
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ArcMap Skyline Tool only returns a part of the desired output

I'm aware there are multiple posts on this matter, but those did not provide the help I was looking for. Background: I have a set of points in a shapefile from which I want to generate a skyline ...
saQuist's user avatar
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Having trouble creating an ArcGIS Pro LAS dataset profile view like ArcMap

I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.1.3 and am looking for a way to view a slice of LiDAR data side-on, like the ArcMap LAS Dataset Profile Tool not rotated in 3d; I have 3d analyst and Advanced licenses. I have ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
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Using ArcGIS Pro to calculate required height of debris dam structure in stream when expected volume to retain is known

I have the locations of potential debris dam structures to be placed in a stream and know the contributing watershed area and the estimated debris volume (in m3) that would flow down that watershed ...
scoite's user avatar
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Tools needed to display 2D layers as a 3D stack in ArcGIS Pro

What tools do I need to use to display 2D layers as a 3D stack in ArcGIS Pro? Do I need to create a global scene first, or add an elevation attribute to the 2D layers, or is there a specific tool to ...
Jose Vasquez's user avatar
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Error in ModelBuilder while all inputs are correct in the log

So I made a simple ModelBuilder to create a shapefile from a LAS dataset. Without the inline variables it is working correctly. As shown in the log, all the inputs are correctly taken and when ...
Nindooo's user avatar
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3D- Analysis: Calculate the 3D trajectory distance considering a set of points below the sea level issue

I am trying to calculate the 3D trajectory distance considering a set of points below sea level. I've opted for creating a 2D line that considers the 2D trajectory of the points and then interpolate ...
Julian's user avatar
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ArcPy 3 TIN to Raster returns NoData raster in stand-alone script

I have an ArcGIS script that detrends surfaces using transects. I am trying to update this tool for ArcGIS Pro. At TIN to Raster the resulting raster only contains no data values and I do not know ...
GBG's user avatar
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Calculating the perceived size of an object as part of a viewshed analysis

I am conducting a visibility analysis on a radio station tower. I want to know how big the viewers across the area will see it. For example, those further away will perceive the tower to be smaller. ...
Dylangussman's user avatar
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Understanding Visibility SPOT value in ArcGIS Pro

I'm in the process of performing a visibility analysis using the Visibility tool in ArcGIS Pro 3.0, but something is confusing me about the SPOT parameter. On the ArcGIS Pro website (https://pro....
Morgan's user avatar
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Viewshed 2 not working

I am trying to run model using viewshed 2 and get the following error code: Error 00248: the spatial reference is not defined. Can anyone tell me what this means?
Anne's user avatar
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Matching observers to specific targets in Construct Sight Line using 3D Analyst with ArcMap

I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 with its 3D Analyst extension. I used the Construct Sight Line tool for 37 observation points relative to 748 target point features. I would like to match the ...
Heidi's user avatar
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Void within an ortho images when floating on 3D surface using ArcScene

I m trying to visualise an ortho photo on a 3D surface (tif). There is no problem for most ortho photos except one (see below photo), where there is a void within the ortho image. Both the ortho image ...
Roberta Lau's user avatar
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Determining optimal tower placements that use line of sight in a valley in ArcGIS Pro

I am currently working on a project to determine the proper placement of towers that rely on line of sight to work in a large study area in a valley with 2 large sets of mountains on either side. I ...
Felix Chan's user avatar
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Can't see derived output of scripting tool in ModelBuilder, Add Surface Information does not work as expected

The add surface information tool in ArcGIS 10 (3D Analyst Tool) does not work correctly. The input parameter for scaling the data are set to 1 but after code execution the results are always ...
GBG's user avatar
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Predicting future coastlines based on TIN/Raster DEM and elevated polygon using ArcMap

I am trying to figure out how I can create projected future coastlines by intersecting an elevated polygon (representing future sea level) with the TIN/DEM of my study area. Does anybody know how I ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Extracting above-ground part from Multipatch buildings with ArcGIS Pro?

I have a lot of 3D buildings in Multipatch format (the grey features in the screenshot) and need to extract the building parts above ground. I thought it should be possible to interpolate 2D buildings ...
Christa Rohrbach's user avatar
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Finding minimum elevation along the edges of polygon

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a polygon and a raster, and I would like to know what the lowest elevation is along the edges of the polygon. I would want each polygon to have a field that has the ...
jcholly's user avatar
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Digital elevation model versus hillshade for creation of cross-section In ArcMap

I am using ArcMap 10.8. What makes for a better cross-section a Digital elevation model or a hillshade? I am using the cross-section to identify and analyze faults and far I have tried ...
Programmer888's user avatar
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Unexpected area result using "Surface Volume" in "3D Analyst Tools"

I created a 6-grid raster (download here, Fig.3) to show my question. Each raster is 10m*10m size. I used "Surface Volume" in "3D Analyst Tools" to calculate the area below 0m (Fig....
T X's user avatar
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Specifying horizontal limits in Viewshed 2 tool of ArcMap

I am using the Viewshed 2 tool in ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 in a simple Python script. I am trying to calculate individual viewsheds about a series of points, each with horizontal limits of +-30 degrees ...
William's user avatar
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Comparing polylineZ elevation to DEM at various points along the line, not just the vertices

I have a polylineZ feature that represents sewer lines. I am looking for areas where points along the line may be above ground elevation, representing aerial lines. The problem is that I need to ...
slowe's user avatar
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Unable to export data from ArcGIS 3D Analayst interpolate line button & create profile graph

I have lost the facility to export data to Excel from the profile graph facility in the ArcMap 3D toolset. The interpolate line function works and I get the profile graph when selected and I get the ...
Brianknell's user avatar
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ArcGIS won't save shapefile after changing folder name

I was exporting shapefiles to sub-folders (which are inside another folder called Dimmy), now, I realized that I had a typo in the folder name, so I changed the name of the Dimmy folder to Dummy. ...
Arthur_Morgan's user avatar
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Why does no interpolated line appear when I use the 3D Analyst to generate a elevation profile in ArcMap?

I want to generate an elevation profile based on a DTM with ArcMap 3D Analyst but the program does not show the the interpolated line. I did the following steps: Opening 3D Analyst, adding a Digital ...
Nofi's user avatar
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Viewshed analysis with random configuration of observer points and getting the best configuration in terms of visibility?

I have a clipped raster image and observer points (4 points) to be placed on the raster image. I have to perform the viewshed analysis but I want ArcMap to place the points with random configuration ...
Charlie Bravo's user avatar
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load raster in original resolution in ArcScene

Each time I load a high resolution raster in ArcScene, it automatically starts to resample it and starts making pyramids, thus making the raster pixelated once the resampling finishes. How can I undo ...
Arthur_Morgan's user avatar
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LandXML to TIN places TIN in wrong location

I'm using ArcMap 10.8 with 3D Analyst. I received a LandXML from a civil engineer, who I assume used Civil3D or similar to create it. The LandXML has several TINs representing existing surface and ...
Anna Riling's user avatar
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ArcGIS Desktop 3D Analyst Line of Sight

I am trying to do some Line of Sight analysis on some points using 3D Analyst in ArcGIS Desktop. I have a set of points that I've made two copies of a feature class of, one to use as the observers and ...
tatersmom's user avatar
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Polygon Volume (ArcMap 10.7) calculates a volume of zero?

I'm calculating partial TIN volumes using Polygon Volume in ArcMap 10.7. I've done this hundreds of times using arcpy and for the most part, it works fine (Height Field = MAX; Reference Plane = BELOW)....
Florian Mlehliv's user avatar
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TIFF image is black in ArcScene

.tiff image is black. I've opened it in QGIS without any problem but in ArcScene the image is black. The weight of image is 121gb(it is country .tiff image)
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Interpolate line not working [duplicate]

I'm just doing a basic topograph and the interpolate line tool does not work. The DEM is selected and I even made a hillshade to see if that would solve the problem. After I finish the line and double ...
Isabella's user avatar
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Choosing observer points for Viewshed tool in ArcMap to identify visibility of landform

I am using ArcMap 10.8. I want to create a polygon that shows all the areas within a region from which an observer could see a specific mountain. I created a polygon around the mountain, and I'm going ...
Emily R.'s user avatar
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Drawing "walls" in ArcScene

I am working on a 3D visualisation of a map displaying the population density. I'd like to visualize the density by setting the height of an area according to it's population density. Whenever I set ...
MrSalamikuchen's user avatar
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Topo To Raster error 010168

Topo to Raster conversion tool in the 3D Analyst toolset or the Spatial Analyst toolset, gives the following error: ERROR 010168: Output C:\WINDOWS\system32\zpa09 already exists. Failed to execute (...
user174129's user avatar
-1 votes
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Turning off lighting effects for all layers using ArcScene

Is it possible to turn off all lighting effects (ie to give simple 'flat' polygon fills, not shadowed/shaded) for ALL layers in a project? I can only find this via the '3D effects' sub-menu tool which ...
GNK's user avatar
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Making legend from layer in ArcGlobe

I want to make a legend on the layer. I heard that in ArcGIS there is a legend wizard, where you can make a legend, but it is in ArcMap, not ArcGlobe. Is there any tool similar in ArcGlobe?
easyfreeze's user avatar
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Adding image in ArcGlobe

I am using ArcGlobe. How can I add an image that is just on the side, and not associated with the globe? I want to add a color scale, but I don't know how.
easyfreeze's user avatar
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Connecting contours in ArcGIS

I am using ArcGlobe. I created contour lines using the contour tool, but some of them are not connected and are just fragments of lines, is there any tool that could connect these lines?
easyfreeze's user avatar
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Obtaining XY coordinate when clicking on globe using ArcGlobe

Work in ArcGlobe and I want to calculate the coordinates of the globe latitude and longitude, but the coordinates from the mouse click is read from the screen, not the globe, because when I clicked on ...
easyfreeze's user avatar
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Clipping multipatch with 2D polygons using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have a multipatch dataset and 2D polygon dataset. Is there an automated way how I can clip one multipatch into separate features? Using clip and split tools gives a ...
swisscheese_95's user avatar
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Create TIN with modified resolution with arcpy

I have the polyline feature file myfeature.shp from which I create a TIN file: import arcpy arcpy.CheckOutExtension("3D") arcpy.CreateTin_3d("mytin","Coordinate Systems\CH1903 ...
stonebe's user avatar
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Performing SDNA 3d network analysis with ArcScene

I am trying to use SDNA commands to run the 3d network analysis on the ArcScene Shape file. I can view the shape file as 3d, however when I run the SDNA Prepare command, the below error message comes. ...
Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
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TIN creation process generating error

I'm having trouble generating a TIN. Repeatedly, I obtain: ERROR 050035: no features were added to the TIN. I can't figure out what I'm doing incorrectly. There is only one feature, namely "...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Why do layers disappear in ArcScene when I try to drape them to the TIN?

I'm new. I did see this was asked a couple years ago, but I didn't understand the answer. It said It's the projection. You're in ArcScene so be sure all of your layers are in Conic! I have no idea ...
BobT854's user avatar
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Creating planar 3D buffer from 3D polyline feature class in ArcGIS Desktop

I want to create a planar (=without volume) buffer polygon or a TIN from a polyline feature class that represents a road centreline ,containing Z-value. I want to expand my polyline horizontally (=...
Sina_Alef's user avatar
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Can non-elevation data be displayed in 3D? Such as EC measurements in soil over a surface?

I tried creating a tin in ArcScene with a raster I have from an IDW file of salinity at sample points in a field, but I can't get it to display as anything other than flat. My points range from ~1-40 ...
user159027's user avatar

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