I am building a android map application and i want to use as basemap some wmts url services of our country.
How can i implement this and get layers from WMTS url services as TileOverlay to google map android api? Example:
Wmts source: http://geoportal.asig.gov.al:85/utm34n/wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml
the tileoverlay url inside xml configuration:
but Google Map Android Api needed this configuration of url:
x- x coordinate ( start from 0 to maxwidth) y- y coordinate ( start from 0 to maxheight) z- Zoom
refer to documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/tileoverlay
How can I format the url from the wmts service ResourceURL( from WMTSCapabilities.xml), to integrate inside google map android api?