I'm working on mobile app and I want to use OSM as its free solution. Whats the purpose of application?
User is geotargeted and the map like this: http://mc.bbbike.org/mc/ appears. No POI, buildings number etc. All I need is map with roads and buildings. Then if user is moving, we can track that and next tiles are loading when needed. Nothing fancy i think.
I came across few problems and items I don't understand. I know there are tiles (graphic) and .osm or .map file. I'm trying to understand how its working together.
What is the purpose of .osm file? From what I saw its just XML file with roads, POI, etc. If I need only streets and their name can do I even need this? Maybe it could be served by tiles?
Can someone explain me how tiles and xml file are working with each other?