I want to add all the layers in my WMTS service to ArcMap using ArcObjects, but I am able to get only one layer.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I want to add all the layers in my WMTS service to ArcMap using ArcObjects, but I am able to get only one layer.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I got solution for adding all layers at ones, as well as a particular layer to ArcMap:
public static void GetWMTSLayer(string url = "http://IP-Address:Port/Service/rest/services/OSM/MapServer/WMTS")
IProperySet propSet= new PropertySetClass();
IWMTSConnectionFactory wmtsConnFactory=new WMTSConnectionFactoryClass();
IWMTSConnection wmtsConnection=wmtsConnFactory.Open(propSet,0,null);
IWMTSServiceDescription wmtsServceDescriotion=wmtsConnection as IWMTSServiceDescription ;
for(int i=0;i< wmtsServceDescriotion.LayerDescriptionCount;i++)
IWMTSLayerDescription layerDescription=wmtsServceDescriotion.getLayerDescription(i);
IWMTSLayer wmtsLayer=new WMTSLayerClass();
IPropertySet propSet_1=new PropertySetClass();
propSet_1.SetProperty("URL", url);
WMTSConnectionName connectonName= new WMTSConnectionNameClass();
public static void addData(IWMTSLayer wmtslayer)
IMap pMap=(IMap)((IMxDocument)ArcMap.Application.Document).FocusMap);
ILayer pLayer=new FeatureLayer();
If you click on the Toggle Contents Panel button you will see a new space at the bottom of the Catalog view. From there you can choose several layers