I am using GetLegendGraphic to fill my legend in a leaflet map. I use CSS to style my layer on Geoserver but I have trouble to add the title to my legend graphic. This code work and add an explanatory text next to the graphic.
* {
mark: symbol('square');
mark-size: 12px;
/* @title Fixed */
:mark[recent=true] {
fill: yellow;
stroke: yellow;
/* @title Faulty */
:mark[recent= false] {
fill: blue;
stroke: blue;
This one does not?
* {
mark: symbol(circle);
mark-size: 17px;
/* @title Planed */
:mark {
fill: #51A02C;
stroke: black;
This is my current output. They grey box is however undesired and probably come from an potential "null" value (No null value in the data set though).
Any ideas how this could work? I would like to use CSS instead of SLD because some rules are hairy to write in SLD.