I came across some KAP charts which don't display correct corner coordinates from gdalinfo; despite them having REF fields in the header. For the NOAA file11425_3.KAP gdalinfo displays the coordinates:

Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
Lower Left  (    0.0, 7820.0)
Upper Right (23476.0,    0.0)
Lower Right (23476.0, 7820.0)
Center      (11738.0, 3910.0)

Any thoughts about this?


1 Answer 1


The .kap file contains GCP information. If you want gdalinfo to report the extent in real world coordinates, use gdalwarp to reproject the coordinates:

gdalwarp -t_srs epsg:4326 11425_3.kap 11425_3.tif

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  ( -82.7970104,  27.6144688) ( 82d47'49.24"W, 27d36'52.09"N)
Lower Left  ( -82.7970104,  27.0521030) ( 82d47'49.24"W, 27d 3' 7.57"N)
Upper Right ( -82.3611248,  27.6144688) ( 82d21'40.05"W, 27d36'52.09"N)
Lower Right ( -82.3611248,  27.0521030) ( 82d21'40.05"W, 27d 3' 7.57"N)

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