I am trying to analyse some MODIS LST data (MOD11_L2) and am having some difficulty projecting the files into WGS84. I know that I can use the MODIS Reprojection Swath Tools, but I am trying to do the whole process using gdal (which I am currently running through python as this is where the rest of my process is).
In python, I have been using:
import subprocess
subprocess.call(some gdal functions)
I have tried the gdal_warp function but am having trouble with the parameters of the tool. Here is an example file: http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov//MODIS_Dailies_F/MOLT/MOD11_L2.041/2015.08.15/MOD11_L2.A2015227.0215.041.2015228093331.hdf.
I have tried looking at the help here: How to reproject MODIS Swath data to WGS84 but it does not seem to work with the LST data which I am using.
I want this to work so I end up with a Geotiff file in WGS84.
I'm fairly new to both gdal and python!