I'm trying to wrap my head around what all it takes to create a map tile server.
I'm following the directions from here: https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04/
But, I want to know exactly what's going on.
What EXACTLY is in the .pbf file? Can I assume it contains all of the roads, borders, lakes, ponds, etc inside of each polygon? And having said that, what is the "polygon"? It wants me to download from here: http://openstreetmapdata.com/data/land-polygons
Is this the shape of continents, etc?
And how do I create my own style? It suggests using OSMBright, but what if I want something a little different... maybe say like an old-timey map style?
Also, it seems that those "projections" are all in 3857, the system for which I am building this map server lies in a closed-system that has layers that are projected using 4326, how would I "convert", if that's the correct term?