I've built GDAL so many times but I'm not know how to add MBTiles Driver support.

The source used was http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/2.1.3/ . But after build I still unable to read or write mbtiles files.

[root@localhost geo]# gdalinfo  Test.mbtiles
ERROR 4: `Test.mbtiles' not recognized as a supported file format.

gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'Test.mbtiles'.

Some additional info:


[root@localhost ~]# gdal-config --version 2.1.3


[root@localhost ~]# gdal-config --dep-libs -ljpeg -lpng -L/usr/lib64 -lpq -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl -lpcre -lxml2 -lz -lm -ldl


[root@localhost ~]# gdal-config --formats gxf gtiff hfa aigrid aaigrid ceos ceos2 iso8211 xpm sdts raw dted mem jdem envisat elas fit vrt usgsdem l1b nitf bmp airsar rs2 ilwis rmf leveller sgi srtmhgt idrisi gsg ingr ers jaxapalsar dimap gff cosar pds adrg coasp tsx terragen blx msgn til r northwood saga xyz hf2 kmlsuperoverlay ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid iris map cals safe sentinel2 mrf grib bsb gif jpeg png pcraster pcidsk rik ozi pdf postgisraster arg

gdal translate formats:

[root@localhost ~]# gdal_translate --formats
Supported Formats:
  VRT -raster- (rw+v): Virtual Raster
  GTiff -raster- (rw+vs): GeoTIFF
  NITF -raster- (rw+vs): National Imagery Transmission Format
  RPFTOC -raster- (rovs): Raster Product Format TOC format
  ECRGTOC -raster- (rovs): ECRG TOC format
  HFA -raster- (rw+v): Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
  SAR_CEOS -raster- (rov): CEOS SAR Image
  CEOS -raster- (rov): CEOS Image
  JAXAPALSAR -raster- (rov): JAXA PALSAR Product Reader (Level 1.1/1.5)
  GFF -raster- (rov): Ground-based SAR Applications Testbed File Format (.gff)
  ELAS -raster- (rw+v): ELAS
  AIG -raster- (rov): Arc/Info Binary Grid
  AAIGrid -raster- (rwv): Arc/Info ASCII Grid
  GRASSASCIIGrid -raster- (rov): GRASS ASCII Grid
  SDTS -raster- (rov): SDTS Raster
  DTED -raster- (rwv): DTED Elevation Raster
  PNG -raster- (rwv): Portable Network Graphics
  JPEG -raster- (rwv): JPEG JFIF
  MEM -raster- (rw+): In Memory Raster
  JDEM -raster- (rov): Japanese DEM (.mem)
  GIF -raster- (rwv): Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
  BIGGIF -raster- (rov): Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
  ESAT -raster- (rov): Envisat Image Format
  BSB -raster- (rov): Maptech BSB Nautical Charts
  XPM -raster- (rwv): X11 PixMap Format
  BMP -raster- (rw+v): MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
  DIMAP -raster- (rov): SPOT DIMAP
  AirSAR -raster- (rov): AirSAR Polarimetric Image
  RS2 -raster- (ros): RadarSat 2 XML Product
  SAFE -raster- (rov): Sentinel-1 SAR SAFE Product
  PCIDSK -raster,vector- (rw+v): PCIDSK Database File
  PCRaster -raster- (rw+): PCRaster Raster File
  ILWIS -raster- (rw+v): ILWIS Raster Map
  SGI -raster- (rw+): SGI Image File Format 1.0
  SRTMHGT -raster- (rwv): SRTMHGT File Format
  Leveller -raster- (rw+): Leveller heightfield
  Terragen -raster- (rw+): Terragen heightfield
  ISIS3 -raster- (rov): USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)
  ISIS2 -raster- (rw+v): USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2)
  PDS -raster- (rov): NASA Planetary Data System
  VICAR -raster- (rov): MIPL VICAR file
  TIL -raster- (rov): EarthWatch .TIL
  ERS -raster- (rw+v): ERMapper .ers Labelled
  L1B -raster- (rovs): NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set
  FIT -raster- (rwv): FIT Image
  GRIB -raster- (rov): GRIdded Binary (.grb)
  RMF -raster- (rw+v): Raster Matrix Format
  MSGN -raster- (ro): EUMETSAT Archive native (.nat)
  RST -raster- (rw+v): Idrisi Raster A.1
  INGR -raster- (rw+v): Intergraph Raster
  GSAG -raster- (rwv): Golden Software ASCII Grid (.grd)
  GSBG -raster- (rw+v): Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
  GS7BG -raster- (rw+v): Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd)
  COSAR -raster- (rov): COSAR Annotated Binary Matrix (TerraSAR-X)
  TSX -raster- (rov): TerraSAR-X Product
  COASP -raster- (ro): DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster
  R -raster- (rwv): R Object Data Store
  MAP -raster- (rov): OziExplorer .MAP
  KMLSUPEROVERLAY -raster- (rwv): Kml Super Overlay
  PDF -raster,vector- (w+): Geospatial PDF
  CALS -raster- (rw): CALS (Type 1)
  SENTINEL2 -raster- (rovs): Sentinel 2
  MRF -raster- (rw+v): Meta Raster Format
  PNM -raster- (rw+v): Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
  DOQ1 -raster- (rov): USGS DOQ (Old Style)
  DOQ2 -raster- (rov): USGS DOQ (New Style)
  GenBin -raster- (rov): Generic Binary (.hdr Labelled)
  PAux -raster- (rw+): PCI .aux Labelled
  MFF -raster- (rw+v): Vexcel MFF Raster
  MFF2 -raster- (rw+): Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
  FujiBAS -raster- (ro): Fuji BAS Scanner Image
  GSC -raster- (rov): GSC Geogrid
  FAST -raster- (rov): EOSAT FAST Format
  BT -raster- (rw+v): VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
  LAN -raster- (rw+v): Erdas .LAN/.GIS
  CPG -raster- (ro): Convair PolGASP
  IDA -raster- (rw+v): Image Data and Analysis
  NDF -raster- (rov): NLAPS Data Format
  EIR -raster- (rov): Erdas Imagine Raw
  DIPEx -raster- (rov): DIPEx
  LCP -raster- (rwv): FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)
  GTX -raster- (rw+v): NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX
  LOSLAS -raster- (rov): NADCON .los/.las Datum Grid Shift
  NTv2 -raster- (rw+vs): NTv2 Datum Grid Shift
  CTable2 -raster- (rw+v): CTable2 Datum Grid Shift
  ACE2 -raster- (rov): ACE2
  SNODAS -raster- (rov): Snow Data Assimilation System
  KRO -raster- (rw+v): KOLOR Raw
  ROI_PAC -raster- (rw+v): ROI_PAC raster
  ENVI -raster- (rw+v): ENVI .hdr Labelled
  EHdr -raster- (rw+v): ESRI .hdr Labelled
  ISCE -raster- (rw+v): ISCE raster
  ARG -raster- (rwv): Azavea Raster Grid format
  RIK -raster- (rov): Swedish Grid RIK (.rik)
  USGSDEM -raster- (rwv): USGS Optional ASCII DEM (and CDED)
  GXF -raster- (ro): GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format
  NWT_GRD -raster- (rov): Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab
  NWT_GRC -raster- (rov): Northwood Classified Grid Format .grc/.tab
  ADRG -raster- (rw+vs): ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
  SRP -raster- (rovs): Standard Raster Product (ASRP/USRP)
  BLX -raster- (rwv): Magellan topo (.blx)
  PostGISRaster -raster- (rws): PostGIS Raster driver
  SAGA -raster- (rw+v): SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat)
  XYZ -raster- (rwv): ASCII Gridded XYZ
  HF2 -raster- (rwv): HF2/HFZ heightfield raster
  OZI -raster- (rov): OziExplorer Image File
  CTG -raster- (rov): USGS LULC Composite Theme Grid
  E00GRID -raster- (rov): Arc/Info Export E00 GRID
  ZMap -raster- (rwv): ZMap Plus Grid
  NGSGEOID -raster- (rov): NOAA NGS Geoid Height Grids
  IRIS -raster- (rov): IRIS data (.PPI, .CAPPi etc)

Config params:

./configure  --with-threads \
            --with-libtiff \
            --with-ogr \
            --with-geos \
            --without-libtool \
            --with-libz=internal \
            --with-libtiff \
            --with-geotiff \
            --with-gif \
            --with-pg \
            --with-grass \
            --with-libgrass \
            --with-cfitsio \
            --with-pcraster \
            --with-netcdf \
            --with-png \
            --with-jpeg \
            --with-odbc \
            --with-curl \
            --with-sqlite3 \
            --with-idb \
            --with-sde \
            --with-perl \
            --with-php \
            --with-ruby \
            --with-python \
            --with-ogpython \
  • 1
    Sqlite seems to required. Do you have that in your build?
    – user30184
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 9:13
  • From gdal help pages: "GDAL/OGR must be compiled with OGR SQLite driver support, and JPEG and PNG drivers."
    – BradHards
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 10:55
  • 1
    please add the config settings used (gdal-config --dep-libs for example)
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 12:21
  • Edited with some extra info. Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 10:44

1 Answer 1


You can try this way, it helped me.

Append repository for libspatialite5 and libgeos-c1 to source list (if it does not exist)

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main universe

then install dependencies

sudo apt update

libspatialite5 depend on libgeos-c1 (>= 3.4.2), so in my case it is

sudo apt install libspatialite5 libgeos-c1 libspatialite-dev  spatialite-bin sqlite3

cd to your GDAL folder

$ cd gdal-2.1.3/

make configuration

./configure --with-spatialite --with-sqlite



and then

sudo make install

Thanks user30184 and Dmitriy Litvinov. More information about this case you can find Convert .tif to .mbtiles using python/GDAL

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