I'm trying to find ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for the list of 2010 Census block codes.
How to get ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for Census block code?
I'm trying to find ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for the list of 2010 Census block codes.
How to get ZIP Code Tabulation Areas for Census block code?
I have not used ZCTAs before but in reading the Census Bureau description it appears that they may not match block groups completely. Having said that, there does not appear to be an attribute for a ZCTA in the block group level data within those available from American FactFinder.
One potential solution could be to perform a spatial join with the TigerLine geographies that are matched with the FactFinder data. If you are using ArcGIS your could look here for guidance: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/analysis/spatial-join.htm
This example uses ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 with shapefiles downloaded from TigerLine. Blocks are for Denver County, CO and the ZCTA file is for the entire state. In this case a spatial join was performed with these parameters:
This produced the table found here which is the dbf file for the shapefile. This may be opened as a spreadsheet. The attribute "GEOID 10" is the 15 figure code for the block while "ZCTA CE10" is the corresponding ZCTA code in which that block exists.
Does that table suffice?
Well, it sounds like you found a reasonable work-around for your issue.
I know that the LEHD contains crosswalk information on many different levels of geography relating to a Census 2010 Block. The documentation explains the layout of the data, which are located by state in this ftp repository.