I would like to speed up the process corresponding to this command:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -overwrite input.ntf output.tif
Is there a way to use parallel processing in GDAL? Semi-offtopic: If not, do you recommend a non-GDAL solution to speeding up a gdalwarp-like process?
Here are the web pages I've looked at:
- Is it possible to do parallel processing in GDAL and QGIS?
- [gdal-dev] GDAL raster processing: parallel computing
Edit: I asked this question because I thought I saw my CPU% stay below 100% when processing gdalwarp. However, on a second look, it reached 555.5%.
made it even faster. The max CPU% I saw was 700% instead of 555%. The process took 22 seconds instead of 32 seconds.