I need to select some information about point and street_id for this point from database. I can find minimal distance between point and street, but there are a lot of streets in result set. How can I output only one line for each point? This is my query:
SELECT ST_Distance(ST_LineInterpolatePoint(street_line, ST_LineLocatePoint(street_line, house_loc))
, house_loc) As distance
, street_name
, street_id
, point_name
(SELECT line.way As street_line,
point.way as house_loc,
line.name as street_name,
point.name as point_name,
line.osm_id as street_id
FROM planet_osm_line as line, planet_osm_point as point
WHERE point.amenity = 'cafe' AND
line.name notnull AND
ST_Contains(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((23.692064 52.092482, 23.693534 52.093365, 23.696163 52.090194, 23.693288 52.089858, 23.692064 52.092482))',4326),900913), point.way)) as foo
WHERE ST_DWithin(street_line, house_loc, 100);
Result for first poin looks like this:
distance | street_name | street_id | point_name
14.5456161008274 | Советская улица | 431230474 | Метромилано
41.7027205345511 | Советская улица | 430790594 | Метромилано
40.0583523277134 | улица Будённого | 108887692 | Метромилано
I need to get only one line with minimum distance. I tried to select min(distance) but result was the same.