I'm using code from geom's answer at Is there an easy way to use Postgis GeoJSON in Openlayers 3 to load PostGIS layers into my OL3 map application.
Each time I pan/zoom far enough to trigger a different map extend, a new PHP call is fired and new data is catched. That's working as intended due to ol.loadingstrategy.bbox
The problem is: Each time I do that, panning performance keeps on dropping drastically. I guess, that's because multiple features are stacked upon each other. This can also be seen as layer's opacity seems to be increased each time I pan/zoom. I'm using latest OpenLayers version 4.2.
ol3Vector = function(options) {
var options = {
title: options.title,
visible: false,
geotable: options.geotable, // table name in PostGis-database
fields: options.fields, // field-names
where: options.where, // where-string passed to PostGis
source: new ol.source.Vector({
projection: "EPSG:4326",
attributions: [new ol.Attribution({
html: options.attribution
strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.bbox, //load only data off the visible map
loader: function(extent, resolution, projection) {
var extent = ol.proj.transformExtent(extent, projection.getCode(), ol.proj.get('EPSG:4326').getCode());
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: "../map/php/get_geojson.php?" + // define path to the get_geojson.php script
"geotable=" + options.geotable +
"&fields=" + options.fields +
"&where=" + options.where +
"&bbox=" + extent.join(","),
context: this
}).done(function(data) {
var format = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
this.addFeatures(format.readFeatures(data, {
dataProjection: "EPSG:4326",
featureProjection: "EPSG:3857"
minResolution: options.minResolution,
maxResolution: options.maxResolution,
content: options.content,
symbology: options.symbology,
showLabels: options.showLabels,
label: options.label,
ol.layer.Vector.call(this, options);
ol.inherits(ol3Vector, ol.layer.Vector);
var landkreise = new ol3Vector({
title: "Landkreise in Niedersachsen", // name of the layer to show up in the layerswitcher
geotable: "tbl_landkreise_geb_f",
fields: "KRS,sumarea",
where: "KRS IS NOT NULL", // You can use all the PostgreSQL or PostGis features here
minResolution: 0.01,
maxResolution: 50000,
content: " ",
showLabels: false, // show labels on map
label: "KRS" // field used for labeling
baselayersArray=[OSM, landkreise];
baselayers.setLayers(new ol.Collection(baselayersArray));
clause to do bad things. Of course if the map sits on your own computer for your own use then it's not an issue