In ArcMap 10.3 you were able to change the vertical/horizontal arrangement of patch, label, description in the legend via the Style button on the Legend Properties Items tab. I cannot locate something similar in ArcGIS Pro. It looks like you can change the order horizontally but I want to put the label above the patch. I have messed around with the offets and can move the labels around a bit but cannot adjust the patch location.

Am I missing something obvious?


1 Answer 1


A similar question to yours has been asked at GeoNet as What happened to legend styles in Pro?

There does not seem to be anything in ArcGIS Pro 2.4 akin to the Legend Styles of ArcMap.

Consequently, if the options in ArcGIS Pro to Work with a legend do not meet your requirements I recommend that to submit an ArcGIS Idea. I looked for and could not find an existing one.

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