I am using Leaflet DVF (https://github.com/humangeo/leaflet-dvf/wiki/) to add several chart layers over a map.
I succesfuly added a Choropleth map but now I am stuck with the Charts Layers. This is the code:
// This is the code for the Choropleth
var options = {
locationMode: L.LocationModes.LOOKUP,
recordsField: null,
codeField: 'CODIGO',
locationLookup: zipData, // A GeoJSON FeatureCollection that will be used to lookup boundaries/location
locationTextField: 'ESTADO',
includeBoundary: true, // Whether or not to include a background boundary so people know what boundary each marker is associated with
layerOptions: {
fillOpacity: 0.9,
opacity: 1,
weight: 1
displayOptions: {
displayName: 'Population',
fillColor: new L.HSLSaturationFunction(new L.Point(90000, 0), new L.Point(635100, 1), {
outputHue: 240
color: new L.HSLSaturationFunction(new L.Point(90000, 0), new L.Point(635100, 1 ), {
outputHue: 240,
outputLuminosity: '35%'
var nlPopLayerChoropleth = new L.ChoroplethDataLayer(NLpopdens, options);
layerControl.addOverlay(nlPopLayerChoropleth, 'Choropleth');
// This is the code for the Charts Layer
var electionOptions = {
recordsField: 'features',
locationMode: L.LocationModes.LOOKUP,
codeField: 'CODIGO',
chartOptions: {
'PRI': {
displayName: 'Opcion 1',
color: 'hsl(0,100%,25%) ',
fillColor: 'hsl(0,80%,75%)',
maxValue: 8000000
'PAN': {
displayName: 'Opcion 2',
color: 'hsl(240,100%,25%)',
fillColor: 'hsl(240,80%,75%)',
maxValue: 8000000
layerOptions: {
fillOpacity: 0.8,
opacity: 1,
weight: 1,
radius: 10,
barThickness: 5
tooltipOptions: {
iconSize: new L.Point(80,60),
iconAnchor: new L.Point(-5,60)
onEachRecord: function (layer,record) {
$html = $(L.HTMLUtils.buildTable(record));
minWidth: 400,
maxWidth: 400
legendOptions: {
title: '2008 Results'
var electionChartLayer2008 = new L.PieChartDataLayer(zipData,electionOptions);
The GEOJSON I am using is like this:
var zipData = {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"CODIGO":"MX02","ESTADO":"Baja California","PRI":23,"PAN":12},"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-113.13971710205078,29.017776489257812],[-113.24057006835938,29.06777572631836]...
I also have another script where the property "POPU" is located:
var NLpopdens =[ { "CODIGO": "MX01", "ESTADO": "Aguascalientes", "POPU": "634000", "AREA": "162.18", "Density": "3346.0192378838", "Partidos": {"PRI":400,"PAN":200},
(for each state)