I am looking for a way to gather the political areas (ie FIPS codes) from a latitude and longitude coordinate.
For example, if I were to input the coordinates: 47.66955, -122.31259
(Downtown Seattle), I would expect to get the following FIPS codes:
Place (aka "City"):
name: Seattle
FIPS: 53_63000
name: King County
FIPS: 53_033
name: Washington
FIPS: 53
Ideally, this could also include the census block, but at the very least, I need to return the State, County, and Place (aka "city") for a given coordinate.
I also understand that not all coordinates will map to a city/county/state, and that's ok.
Is there a library or machine image that I can deploy to solve this problem? Or perhaps a service (paid or otherwise) that I can use in production?
I have been researching this problem, and I found some interesting solutions. But none of them are working for me, as described below:
ESRI service at tigerweb.geo.census.gov It looks like there was a similar question here, but the service in the answer to the question is down. If I'm going to use a service, I'd like to see an SLA (I wouldn't mind paying for a service), or have a way to deploy it myself.
Data Science Toolkit
Also, I found this project which solves my problem: http://www.datasciencetoolkit.org/developerdocs#coordinates2politics but it doesn't appear to be working and is not maintained. First, it's not a service - I have to deploy it myself to rely on it in production. And when I tried deploying it myself using their recommended AMI, the coordinates2politics
endpoint was down, as described in this issue: https://github.com/petewarden/dstk/issues/66
data.fcc.gov I also found this service to be helpful: http://data.fcc.gov/api/block/2010/find?format=json&latitude=47.66955&longitude=-122.31259&showall=true
but it doesn't have an SLA ,and it doesn't return any Places
Any other suggestions or tips would be very helpful.
NOTE: SLA stands for Service Level Agreement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-level_agreement (ie "99.5% uptime")