I am trying to use multiprocessing to help me run a tool that will clip a feature and sum an attribute in it. The tool needs to iterate through about 24,000 rows of a featureclass while doing this. I can run it without multiprocessing but it takes a long time (over 20 hours). Because of that, I am trying to use multiprocessing to get it to run faster, as I will likely have to use this type of tool again on larger sets of data. However, when I run it, it runs and finishes, but there is no output and when I look at the shapefiles created during it, the updatecursor has not run on them. I am hoping someone can help me code it better so that it works.
import arcpy
import os
import multiprocessing
#this toolbox is full of tools I've made, I use one of them later
#geodatabase that my files are all in
arcpy.env.workspace = r"D:\Joe.Chestnut\Dallas\Dallas.gdb"
#This is the actual function that I need to run.
def ClipCount(stuffpassed):
#ranges are based on the oid. they stratify the data so that it can be multiprocessed.
ranges = stuffpassed[0]
#this is my file with about 25,000 polygon features (service areas for census blocks in Dallas
inputfile = stuffpassed[1]
#This file is the census blocks in dallas, and has some job data in it
inputfile2 = stuffpassed[2]
arcpy.env.workspace =r"D:\Joe.Chestnut\Dallas"
i, j = ranges[0], ranges[1]
#This copies my file into a folder and creates 4 different copies of it, for the four different processors to run on
infile = arcpy.management.CopyFeatures(inputfile, 'layer{0}'.format(i), """OID>= {0} AND OID <= {1}""".format(i, j))
#makes a layer out of my census blocks so that they can be geoprocessed
cliplayer = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(inputfile2, "clipmedallas")
#this cursor runs through each of the rows of the service areas file, and for each one will clip
#the census block file. Using a searchcursor on the clipped output, it will then sum the values in the 'newpop' field
#the summed values are then written into the 'jobcount' field of the service area file using the update cursor.
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(infile, ["Name", "jobcount"]) as cursor:
print "updatecursorrunning"
for row in cursor:
value = row[0]
field = "Name"
exp = field+"='" + value + "'"
infile3 = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(infile, "infile3")
rowselect = arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(infile3, "NEW_SELECTION", exp)
clipedlyr = arcpy.LEHDClipper(cliplayer, rowselect, "in_memory", "in_memory\clipedlyr")
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(clipedlyr, "newpop") as newcursor:
stationpop = []
for srow in newcursor:
value = float(srow[0])
totalpop= 0
for num in stationpop:
totalpop = totalpop + num
row[1] = totalpop
#This is the main function where I give the inputs for the ClipCount and then actually run the multiprocessing module.
def main():
ranges = [[1, 6000], [6001, 12000], [12001, 18000], [18001, 24000]]
inputfile =r'D:\Joe.Chestnut\Dallas\Dallas.gdb\gtfs\BlockAccess'
inputfile2 = r'D:\Joe.Chestnut\Dallas\Dallas.gdb\gtfs\Dallas_1clip'
stuffpassed = [ranges, inputfile, inputfile2]
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4, initializer=None, maxtasksperchild = 1)
result = pool.map_async(ClipCount, stuffpassed)
print result
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I run this, I get the following result:
<multiprocessing.pool.MapResult object at 0x1467CAD0>
It also creates four copies of inputfile as shapefiles. However, apart from this, I don't think know if it is doing anything.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
How do I get the actual update cursor to run with the multiprocessing?