I am working with some older (ca. 1900) USGS Topographic Maps. These Raster maps are georeferenced with a CRS of NAD27
and poly
projection (polyconic). However, they are offset and require easting/northing corrections in the georeferenced source data to overlay on modern maps.
On some maps, in the 1920's, Someone had calculated these offsets for the original editions, perhaps to celebrate the creation of NAD27
, who knows.
I am looking for some pointers on how that was done.
I want to know if there is a way to calculate this correction generally/automatically. , or alternatively if there is a standard set of datums to use to account for the easting/northing correction in these old maps.
San Francisco 1916 15' x 15', Warning >10MB
This source data is already referenced to NAD27, the CRS as encoded in the file is usually interpreted by QGIS as something like
+proj=poly +lat_0=37.75 +lon_0=-122.375 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs
While the projection is good, it is not perfectly correct, when used as-is the data is quite offset
Luckily, on some editions the following can be found
Which I Interpret as Easting and Northing corrections to the CRS definition.
+proj=poly +lat_0=37.75 +lon_0=-122.375 +x_0=-97.536 +y_0=-201.168 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs
The result is quite good.
Additionally, I have also encountered the following note
By extracting the measured projected distance (in QGIS) between the solid frame and the dashed frame
I can extract x_0
and y_0
and use it like above
Sometimes, however nothing is provided and I calculate this offset by hand by doing some projected distance measurements of good reference points.
In all cases its a labor intensive process.
Last Word
Someone has calculated these offsets before, so I am looking for some pointers on how that was done.