I am using mapproxy to generate my map tile with wms configration as source, which is working fine for certain zoom level. But for zoom level like from 3 to 8 the map tile is not getting fully generated even waiting for long time. Giving the tile output here enter image description here To get rid of this problem, I thought of implementing mapproxy-seeds configration, But getting some error like this:

Start seeding process (1 task) myseed1: Seeding cache 'latlong_cache' with grid 'webmercator' in EPSG:3857 Limited to coverage in: -180.00000, -85.05113, 180.00000, 85.05113 (EPSG:4326) Levels: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] Overwriting: no tiles [15:53:22] 3 0.00% -20037508.34279, -20037508.34279, 20037508.34279, 20037508.34279 (0 tiles)

An error occured. Retry in 2 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 100

An error occured. Retry in 2 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 100

An error occured. Retry in 4 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 99

An error occured. Retry in 4 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 99

An error occured. Retry in 8 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 98

An error occured. Retry in 8 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 98

An error occured. Retry in 16 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 97

An error occured. Retry in 16 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 97

An error occured. Retry in 32 seconds: IOError(13, 'Permission denied'). Retries left: 96

Here I am giving my seed.yaml and mapproxy.yaml configration. seed.yaml

seeds: myseed1: caches: [latlong_cache] levels: from: 3 to: 8


`services: demo: tms: use_grid_names: true origin: 'nw' kml: use_grid_names: true wmts: wms: md: title: MapProxy LatlongWMS Proxy abstract: This is a minimal MapProxy example. srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:31467'] bbox_srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:31467']

layers: - name: latlong title: Latlong WMS - latlong.in sources: [latlong_cache]

caches: latlong_cache: grids: [webmercator] sources: [latlong_wms]

sources: latlong_wms: type: wms req: url: http://ip_address:81/cgi-bin/moon_map/qgis_mapserv.fcgi layers: world,landcovers,area,states,intersections,roads,way_points transparent: true transparent_color: '#d4d4c8'

grids: webmercator: base: GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR`

Please anyone suggest me any solution for this.

One other isuue is that initialy at any zoom level the mapproxy is generating tile at very slow rate and taking too much time to load.So how can i fasten the initial map tile load.

How can I get rid of all these issues?

1 Answer 1


I figured it out what was the isuue with the error while maptile generation at this zoom level so want to share my experience here. Actually the problem was with my wms sorce where i had configured for different layers. Among those layers one of the layer was taking time to load so other layer was also waiting for the response to complite by mapproxy. Once i removed that layer with mapproxy wms sorce configration. I got good map tile at that zoom level which is cached in my perticular DIR. Later on i added it for lower zoom level tile generation and got quick responce with less feature count. So this issue got solved this way. Here i am adding the generated maptile enter image description here

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