I have set up a free account on QGISCloud and installed the Cloud plugin but I am having problems restricting the data that gets uploaded.
I have four (plus a background) layers open in QGIS but when I try and upload data using the plugin it lists a fifth layer which I had deleted from the project. Unfortunately that layer is full of "non public" information. I first tried saving the project and restarting QGIS in case it was some how lingering in memory but I had the same result.
Any clues as to what is going on here?
The selected layer (wp_master) is not referenced by this project and, so far as I can tell should not be uploaded.
Some of the data in wp_master is potentially sensitive and I definitely do not have authority to upload this data anywhere remotely public.
QGIS 2.18.9 running on a Mac ( High Sierra )