I have the following ArcPy script to calculate total length of Polylines in a Feature Class/Shapefile:
arcpy.Project_management('lines.shp', 'lines_projected.shp', arcpy.SpatialReference(TODO EPSG CODE))
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management('lines_projected.shp', 'lines_layer')
geometries = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management('lines_layer', arcpy.Geometry())
print 'Number of lines: ' + str(len(geometries))
total_length = sum([g.length for g in geometries])
print 'Total length: ' + str(total_length/1000) + 'km'
What is the methodology to find appropriate Coordinate Reference System assuming the data associated with well known region (For example "Berlin" or "France")?
For example why a simple approach of choosing the appropriate UTM zone out of the 60 won't work