I am looking for examples or ideas on how to create a web map using esri javascript api for redistricting purposes. On the web map, it would show the school boundaries in smaller sections (similar to census tracts) and would allow the user to interactively change the areas to create a new/modified boundary by clicking on the polygon and selecting another area using a dropdown list. It would then ask the user to print and/or email the new map to us for review. This map is the only thing I was able to find that is somewhat similar to what I am looking for: http://redistricting.greatergreaterwashington.org/
I thought about using the renderer unique value to separate my boundaries (ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sandbox) but I have not been able to find a way for a user to interactively be able to change the attribute to a different category.
Is this a possible task and does anyone have any examples I can use?