I currently working on the data set "Wolfcamp Aquifer", but the coordinates in the data set is just a relative coordinates. So, is there anyone who has the original coordinates?


1 Answer 1


I found a map of the locations in an ICOTS8 (2010) Invited Paper by Harper & Clark called "AMARILLO BY MORNING: DATA VISUALIZATION IN GEOSTATISTICS" - you can probably search online and find this. I extracted the image, and georeferenced it in QGIS.

Then I identified a few of the sample locations on the map and got their lat-long coordinates. I then matched those up to the "relative" coordinates from the data set in R. So now I have a table of:

 x_lat y_lat x_relative y_relative

coordinates for seven of the points. I can then run ogr2ogr on the command line using the coordinate pairs as control points - it looks like this:

ogr2ogr \
 -tps \
 -gcp  -233.72172 -115.83894 -11636657   4003094 \
 -gcp -30.54492  115.72629 -11392916   4286809 \
 -gcp   133.79896   95.12698 -11190784   4260256 \
 -gcp   174.71182  -27.48198 -11143259   4107547 \
 -gcp   18.74859 -130.78953 -11331381   3985634 \
 -gcp   -29.96271  -37.89631 -11391316   4099389 \
 -gcp  169.09138   51.54656 -11147872   4205489 \
 -f "ESRI shapefile" wcreftps.shp wc.shp

On each gcp option, the first two numbers are the "relative" coordinates, and the second two are in EPSG:3857 (Google Mercator). wc.shp is the R data saved to a shapefile.

After running this, the shapefile wcreftps.shp seems geolocated correctly - here it is with an OpenStreetMap and county boundaries.

enter image description here

The coordinates, in the same order as the 85 coordinates in the wolfcamp object in the R geoR package, are in this pastebin:


Caveat: These coordinates are as precise as my clicking on the map - they are not the original measured coordinates but should be close enough for most purposes that use the whole map - don't zoom in on one point and expect to see the exact location.

  • Wow...................Thank you so much .............It's amazing..I'm new to this field, your answer is really helpful.
    – Nicolas
    Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 22:06
  • I think I need to learn QGIS now.
    – Nicolas
    Commented Apr 15, 2018 at 22:12
  • I may try and compare the coordinates I got from this with the ones I got from the original paper (linked in my comment to the question).
    – Spacedman
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 7:23
  • I think they didn't give the exact coordinates in their original paper, right?
    – Nicolas
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 19:38
  • The paper I link in the comments gives both lat-long and offset-in-miles from a point coordinates. I'm not sure how "exact" these coordinates are, plus the lat-long appear to be in a 1958 military coordinate system and I can't find the technical manual online so I don't exactly know the coordinate transform parameters to get from that to EPSG:4326.
    – Spacedman
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 20:44

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